
Setting up Storybook in your react-dsfr project.

Storybook is an open-source tool for developing and testing UI components in isolation, allowing you to create and refine components independently from the app's business logic.

For example the components website of react-dsfr is powered by Storybook. Let's see how to setup Storybook 8 in your project.

First follow the official instruction to setup Storybook in your meta framework of choice:

Then you want to add a couple of scripts that should be run before starting of building Storybook:

    // ...
    "scripts": {
        // ...
        "storybook": "storybook dev",
        "build-storybook": "storybook build",
        "prestorybook": "copy-dsfr-to-public --publicDir .storybook/static && only-include-used-icons --publicDir .storybook/static",
        "prebuild-storybook": "yarn prestorybook"

Next update your .gitignore:


Next add storybook-dark-mode to your dev dependencies:

yarn add --dev storybook-dark-mode # Or the equivalent with pnpm, npm or bun ...

Lastly apply the following reference .storybook directory in your setup. Be sure to carefully merge the .storybook/main.ts so you don't overwrite specific configuration required by your meta framework.

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2022-2023 Pôle logiciel libre d'Etalab - MIT license